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Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 12, 2022

TIMER0: 8-bit timer/counter (TCNT0)


The counter can be clocked internally or externally through T0 pin (PD4, Arduino 4). When clocked internally, the clock is passed through a configurable prescaler. This is configured using the CS02:0 (Clock Select) bits on the TCCR0B (Timer/Counter Control Register).

TCCR0B (Timer/Counter Control Reg. B)
7 FOC0A  Force Output Compare A
6 FOC0B  Force Output Compare B
5 --
4 --
3 WGM02  Waveform Generation Mode
2 CS02  Clock Select
1 CS01
0 CS00  

CS02:0 Clock Selection
000 Timer/Counter stopped
001 Internal Clock clkI/O
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 8
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 64
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 256
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 1024
External clock on falling edge of T0 pin (PD4, Arduino 4)
111 External clock on rising edge of T0 pin

 This counter has four modes of operation configurable through WGM02:0 bits on the TCCR0x registers. In the normal mode, the counter always counts up and restarts from 0x00 when it reaches 0xFF.

TCCR0A (Timer/Counter Control Reg. A)
7 COM0A1  Compare Match Output A Mode
6 COM0A0  
5 COM0B1  Compare Match Output B Mode
4 COM0B0
3 --  
2 --  
1 WGM01  Waveform Generation Mode
0 WGM00  

WGM2:0 Operation Mode TOP Update of OCRx at TOV0 set on
000 Normal 0xFF Immediate 0xFF
010 CTC OCRA Immediate 0xFF

When the counter overflows, TOV0 (Timer/Counter Overflow Flag) is set.

TIFR0 (Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register)
7 --
6 --  
5 --
4 --
3 --  
2 OCF0B Timer/Counter 0 Output Compare B Match Flag
1 OCF0A Timer/Counter 0 Output Compare A Match Flag
0 TOV0 Timer/Counter 0 Overflow Flag

 The second mode of operation is called Clear Timer on Compare Match (CTC). In this mode, the counter is cleared when TCNT0 matches the value stored in OCR0A. It is possible to generate a waveform on the OC0A pin (PD6, Arduino 6) using this mode by configuring  COM0A1:0 bits on TCCR0A.

00 OC0A disconnected
01 Toggle OC0A on compare match
10 Clear OC0A on compare match
11 Set OC0A on compare match

 The waveform frequency is given by:

where N is the prescale factor (1, 8, 64, 256 or 1024). Therefore, for a clock of 4MHz, the shortest period of operation is 0.5 us (2 MHz) for N = 1, OCRnx = 0 and the longest period is 0.13 s (7.63 Hz) for N = 1024, OCRnx = 255.

 When the counter register TCNT0 overflows, an interrupt can be generated by configuring the TIMSK0 register.

TIMSK0 (Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask)
7 --
6 --  
5 --
4 --
3 --  
2 OCIE0B Timer/Counter 0 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable
1 OCIE0A Timer/Counter 0 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
0 TOIE0 Timer/Counter 0 Overflow Interrupt Enable

The corresponding interrupt vectors are:

0x001C Timer/Counter 0 compare match A
0x001E Timer/Counter 0 compare match B
0x0020 Timer/Counter 0 overflow

Init_Timer:  clr R16  ; Initialize counter

 out TCNT0,R16

R16,(1<<COM0A0)  ; Toggle OC0A and CTC on OCRA

 ori R16,(1<<WGM01)



 ldi R16,(1<<CS02)  ; Set prescaler to 1:1024

 ori R16,(1<<CS00)  

 out TCCR0B,R16

 ldi R16,value ; Value to be compared

 out OCR0A,R16

 ; Enable interrupts if needed

TIMER1: 16-bit timer/counter (TCNT1)

  As with the previous timer, Timer1 has a prescaler too. This can be configured through bits CS12:0 on TCCR1B (Timer/Counter 1 Control Register B) register.

TCCR1B (Timer/Counter Control Register B)
7 ICNC1 Input Capture Noice Canceler
6 ICES1 Input Capture Edge Select
5 --
4 WGM13 Wavefrom Generation Mode
3 WGM12  
2 CS12 Clock Select
1 CS11
0 CS10

CS12:0 Clock Selection
000 Timer/Counter stopped
001 Internal Clock clkI/O
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 8
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 64
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 256
Internal Clock clkI/O divided by 1024
External clock on falling edge of T1 pin (PD5, Arduino 5)
111 External clock on rising edge of T1 pin

 The operation mode is selected through the WGM13:0 bits.

TCCR1A (Timer/Counter Control Register A)
7 COM1A1 Compare Output Mode for Channel A
6 COM1A0
5 COM1B1 Compare Output Mode for Channel B
4 COM1B0
3 --  
2 --
1 WGM11 Waveform Generation Mode
0 WGM10

Update OCR1x at
Set TOV1 on
0000 Normal 0xFFFF Immediate 0xFFFF
0100 CTC OCR1A Immediate 0xFFFF
1100 CTC ICR1 Immediate 0xFFFF

 ICR1 can be updated with TCNT1 every time an event happens in ICP1 (PB0, Arduino 8). This can be used to produce a time stamp of an event. When this happens, the flag ICF1 is raised. The input can be digitally filtered by setting the bit TCCR1B:ICNC1 (Input Capture Noise Canceler). The edge at which the trigger is executed is configured through bit TCCR1B:ICES1 (Input Capture Edge Select), 0 selects falling edge whereas 1 selects raising edge.

 It can also be used to generate a waveform on OC1A/OC1B (PB1/2, Arduino 9/10) through COM1x1:0 bits.

00 OC1A/OC1B (PB1/PB2, Arduino 9/10) disconnected
01 Toggle OC1A/OC1B on compare match
10 Clear OC1A/OC1B on compare match
11 Set OC1A/OC1B on compare match

 In CTC mode, the value of TCNT1 is compared with OCR1A or ICR1 (Input Capture Register) depending on the configuration of the WGM bits. When overflow is produced, a corresponding flag is raised.

TIFR1 (Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register)
7 --
6 --  
5 ICF1 Timer/Counter 1 Input Capture Flag
4 --
3 --  
2 OCF1B Timer/Counter 1 Output Compare B Match Flag
1 OCF1A Timer/Counter 1 Output Compare A Match Flag
0 TOV1 Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Flag

 When the counter register TCNT1 overflows, an interrupt can be generated by configuring the TIMSK1 register.

TIMSK1 (Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask)
7 --
6 --  
5 ICIE1 Timer/Counter 1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable
4 --
3 --  
2 OCIE1B Timer/Counter 1 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable
1 OCIE1A Timer/Counter 1 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
0 TOIE1 Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Interrupt Enable

 The corresponding interrupt vectors are:

0x0014 Timer/Counter 1 capture event
0x0016 Timer/Counter 1 compare match A
0x0018 Timer/Counter 1 compare match B
0x001A Timer/Counter 1 overflow

 The main advantage of using 16 bits is that we can achieve longer periods. For a clock of 4 MHz, the shortest period of operation still is 0.5 us (2 MHz) for N = 1, OCRnx = 0 but the longest period is 33.55 s (0.03 Hz) for N = 1024, OCRnx = 65535. For example, a period of 20 ms can be achieved by setting N = 8 and OCR = 4999.

 In an Arduino Uno board, the clock is 16 MHz. Therefore, for a period of 1 s, one can set the prescaler to 256 and OCR to 31249.

TIMER2: 8-bit timer/counter (TCNT2)

 This counter is very similar to TIMER0 but it also has an asynchronous operation. The prescaler is configured through CS22:0 bits.

TCCR2B (Timer/Counter Control Reg. B)
7 FOC2A  Force Output Compare A
6 FOC2B  Force Output Compare B
5 --
4 --
3 WGM22  Waveform Generation Mode
2 CS22  Clock Select
1 CS21
0 CS20  

CS22:0 Clock Selection
000 Timer/Counter stopped
001 Internal Clock clkI/O
Clock clkT2S divided by 8
Clock clkT2S divided by 32
Clock clkT2S divided by 64
Clock clkT2S divided by 128
Clock clkT2S divided by 256
111 Clock clkT2S divided by 1024

The mode of operation is configured through WGM2xn on TCCR2A.

TCCR2A (Timer/Counter Control Register A)
7 COM2A1 Compare Output Mode for Channel A
6 COM2A0
5 COM2B1 Compare Output Mode for Channel B
4 COM2B0
3 --  
2 --
1 WGM21 Waveform Generation Mode
0 WGM20

Mode of Operation
Update OCRx at
Set TOV Flag on
000 Normal 0xFF Immediate 0xFF
010 CTC OCRA Immediate 0xFF

 When overflow or matching with OCR2A/B occur, corresponding flags are raised.

TIFR2 (Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag)
7 --
6 --
5 --
4 --
3 --  
2 OCF2B Output Compare Flag 2 B
1 OCF2A Output Compare Flag 2 A
0 TOV2 Timer/Counter 2 Overflow Flag

 The comparations and overflow can generate interrupt signals that can be enabled through TIMSK2 register.

TIMSK2 (Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask)
7 --
6 --  
5 --
4 --
3 --  
2 OCIE2B Timer/Counter 1 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable
1 OCIE2A Timer/Counter 1 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
0 TOIE2 Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Interrupt Enable

 The corresponding interrupt vectors are:

Interrupt Source
0x000E Timer/Counter2 compare match A
0x0010 Timer/Counter2 compare match B
0x0012 Timer/Counter2 overflow

 The asynchronous operation is set by the ASSR (Asynchronous Status) Register.

ASSR (Asynchronous Status Register)
7 --
6 EXCLK Enable External Clock Input on TOSC1 pin (PB6)
5 AS2 Asynchronous Timer/Counter 2 is clocked from TOSC1
4 TCN2UB Timer/Counter 2 Update Busy (R)
Output Compare Register 2 Update on OCR2A Busy (R)
2 OCR2BUB Output Compare Register 2 Update on OCR2B Busy (R)
1 TCR2AUB Timer/Counter Control Reg. 2 Update on TCCR2A Busy (R)
0 TCR2BUB Timer/Counter Control Reg. 2 Update on TCCR2B Busy (R)


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