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Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 12, 2024

None-Faradaic, công thức tính toán siêu tụ


Công thức tính toán C cho siêu tụ (supercapacitor)

1. Electrochemical Characteristics and Impedance Spectroscopy Studies of Carbon-Carbon Supercapacitors

In general, a supercapacitor behaves as a pure resistor at high frequencies and as a capacitor at low frequencies. In the mid frequency range, it behaves as a combination of resistor and capacitor, where the electrode porosity and thickness of electroactive materials play a vital role in the determination of capacitance values.

2. Graphical analysis of EIS data


3. Non-faradaic electrochemical impedance-based DNA biosensor for detecting phytopathogen – Ralstonia solanacearum

In this study involving non-faradaic measurements, there are no charge transfer reactions. Therefore resistance due to charge transfer (Rct) and Warburg impedance (Zw) arising due to such redox reactions are therefore neglected in our simplified Randles model
